Again, another very disappointing episode in a very disappointing series. Last night's episode didn't even raise a smile, let alone a laugh. The open ending left a possibility for a third series, but I seriously hope that doesn't happen (especially if it's as poor as this series has been) Oh Julia, where did it all go wrong ?! I've been reading quite a few posts on this board, and it seems that most people are thinking the same thing.
At the start, I have to admit that I was very much looking forward to series 2, especially as series 1 was quite possibly the funniest, and darkest British comedy I've seen for some time. At the opposite end of the scale, series 2 has been quite possibly one of the most disappointing shows I've seen for some time. I don't like to use the phrase "worst show" as that would decry the memory of the brilliance of series one. I hope there isn't another series of this, instead I hope that it is now left to RIP, and we can all revel in the joy that is series one. Glad I got that all off my chest anyway.
I think the only strength of the show that remained (in dribs and drabs) was the dialogue. Or rather the occasional one-liners that, while not especially sharp or clever, are very funny in their wording or delivery. That aside the show just became ludicrous, and maybe if it had been that way from the start I would have been able to enjoy the last few eps. But like most people have said, there was just something about the first series that made it stand out without it relying on insanely pointless scenarios. In fact it was the comparitive realism (while unlikely, it *could* have happened) that hit a nerve with me. I think when that's the case the humour genuinely is dark, while with the second series it was so abstract and daft that none of the darkness could get under your skin. Pity though. I'm gonna go watch the first series of Nighty Night, Human Remains, Big Train and Jam to lift my spirits.
Actually, given the medicority Series Two has given us most of the way through, I thought the final episode was OK; given that my expectations weren't too high.
Bizarrely, I quite enjoyed the last 10 minutes of it. Now, I'm not saying it was laugh out loud, because it surely was not, but hmm. Difficult to explain. I'm a sucker for closure, and I didn't mind this one too much. In all, I found the first episode the weakest of the bunch.
Not usually a poor mark, but given the sheer class and quality of Series One, more than a little disappointing.
There may well be another Series one day, there may well not. After Series Two (which was still better than most other shows, just nowhere near the standard of Series One) if there is confirmation of a Third Series one day, I shan't be half as excited as I was during the run-up to September 6th
And, for the record, here's how I might rank Series One:
Might have been higher, but I wasn't keen at all on the last one; I thought it got too carried away but in retrospect, a) it was wrapping things up at break neck speed because there was never any notion of a second series, and b) next to the events of this most recent series, Episode 6 of Series One was tame.
Just for the record, there was one moment alone I laughed out loud in the final episode. It was when Jill was saying of her imaginary son:
"Fact is, I just..I didn't like him....I hated that little bastard. I just didn't like anything about him. I didn't like his face, I didn't like his hair, the way he looked at me."
Cathy questioned, "What do you mean the way he looked at you?"
"A little bit smug....No Cathy, he knew what he was doing."
I did like that bit.
That's all for now folks.
If you keep asking me I'll melt away in the summer air®
In retrospect actually, I don't think this episode was too bad. I watched it again the other night and thought it was slightly better than I originally thought. I loved the part actually, where she is being chased around to Jolene, those little quirky elements are really good.
And of the whole series, there was some great dialogue. I loved episode 1;
Old Man "...I'm still a bit shaky around the women." Jill "Well...that'll be your parkinsons." Old Man "I don't have parkinsons." Jill "That's just the Alzheimer’s speaking."
Loved it!
And in the last episode;
Don "Where's Sue?" Jill "Diarrhoea."
This series wasn't too bad. Just compared to series 1 it was. I really enjoyed some episodes. Especially 2,3,4.
I enjoyed it too! Granted, it was a little Jill-centric, a little OTT, and wasn't as dark or clever as series one, but i thought it was still thoroughly enjoyable.
Old Man "...I'm still a bit shaky around the women." Jill "Well...that'll be your parkinsons." Old Man "I don't have parkinsons." Jill "That's just the Alzheimer’s speaking."
And I loved from Ep II:
JILL: "Right then Linda, just need you to dump my run-over lady, please." LINDA: "Shouldn't we call the Police?" JILL: "Certainly, if you wish to turn yourself in as a murderess." LINDA: "But I wasn't driving." JILL: "Oh very nice too, Linda! So just because I knocked her over, I get the blame?!"
If you keep asking me I'll melt away in the summer air®
I thought the 2nd series was really good, especially the ending in the speedboat. I can totally understand why some big fans of the first series don't like it - its far more willfully surreal/avant garde and well, just, different. I love both. Its a far more successful departure in style than the (very poor) League of Gents series three. I personally didnt like some of the slapstick (Jill doing Don in hospital, the sick in the car after Jill's driving) but some of the moments are just amazing, like the moshing at night round the campfire and the music, 'gonna take a lot to take me away from you'....
Series 2, episode 6 had a major continuity error. Kath has had her baby so it obviously over nine months later and Geoff is still on the loose trying to find Jill. So has he been on the run for over 9 months? This didn't make sense. And the black vicar being convicted wasn't explained either.
I haven't seen episode 6 yet - can't wait - it's on next week on UKTV. I haven't seen the first series except I think when Jill killed her husband and blamed Glen. I was channel surfing and came across it and loved Glen's facial grimace and Jill's line "The doctors lie, they say it will get better". So when I came across series two channel surfing again I just had to watch. I think it's the funiest thing I have seen in a long time. It stays with you long after you have seen it. It is funnier the more you watch it and the more you think about it the funnier it gets. I find myself laughing at it well after the episode has screened. I quote from it often, particlarly the 'Stuart' scenes. "Hi ya Stuart, How's you?" I am looking forward to getting hold of series one and watching it. From all accounts I'll die laughing!!!