Series 2?

Hi, who has seen series 2 and how does it compare with the brilliance of series 1? I live in the states and haven't been able to find it on DVD yet. Can't wait - love this show!

Great quote - (when the salon is being inspected by Salaam Mohammed): "Saddam, we've all done it. Don't tell me when you're driving round inspecting all day, you don't let a little brown bullet pop down the side of your trousers. We've all done it. I could do one now!"

I hope we don't try to remake this one - number one because we would destroy it and number two because we would destroy it!!!! Plus, we'd never get away with it - Americans are too uptight for this kind of humour!


Don't get your hopes up for series two. To be perfectly honest, it's a disappointment and a let-down. It's beyond absurd and unnecessarily vulgar. Of course there are some great lines and bright spots, but overall it's utterly inferior to the first series. Julia should've just left it alone.

"Four years I've been registered."
"No, no, with the dating agency."


I really like series 2. In responce to the above poster, i suppose it is much more absurd and vulgar; but its still very funny. I probably prefer it to be honest.

You have to remember though, Julia Davis has said that there was never meant to be a second series of Nighty Night. But i suppose due to series 1 being popular the BBC were probably pushing her to write a second series before letting her move on to a new project.

Julia Davis said she spent 3 years writing the first series; so It must have been quite hard to write a follow up in only a few months. Truth is though, how do you follow up the first series without completely repeating yourself and keep it fresh?

I stand by series 2 of Nighty Night. I don't feel it was a mistake at all; nor do i feel it harmed the first series.


It's certainly worth a look, but as has been said - it's a whole different animal compared to the first outing. It almost becomes a cartoon at points, so ludicrous and absurd, but it's still hilarious. It doesn't match up the first series in any respect really, but you'll see glimmers of things that are quite close to the first one. For the most part though, it's just Julia having fun I think. It's not as tight or structured as the first series and the last episode is just bizarre, but yeah....worth a look if you love Jill.


I completely agree with you! Season 1 was definitely something new and fresh and of course..Absolutely hilarious! Season 2 I could tell how big the difference was but at the same time I was still entertained and still thought it quite funny..Just funny in the more vulgar way instead of the more subtle, uncomfortable route that she took us down in season 1.

But, like you, I completely stand by season 2 as well and appreciate it in its own way :)



I've seen all episodes of both series and I strongly prefer #1.

Series 2 went so far into the absurd that I couldn't get on-board with it.

However, if you liked S1 as much as I did, then definitely see S2.

Just for Julia Davis, if anything. Her character is equally insane and great in both.


I realize a lot of people were turned off by Series 2, but I'm DYING to see it! Anybody know when it might be released in the US?



It's probably not as bad as people say. Like others I walked into series 2 without realising the differences in creation time between the series and yes, I did think it was a bit of a lampoon compared to the first. However it does continue the story well (enough) and is uproariously funny. It is quite offensive and is somewhat tongue in cheek - the removing of the bedsheets from Jill perhaps being the hardest to believe, or the dinner plate during the insemination.

It's not Return To Oz or Hostel 2 unacceptable, but in my opinion more like any sequel where everything is there, just with exceeded boundaries and as it is not 'the first' an abscence of freshness.

Effin funny in bits tho.

Jill does not disappoint and is hugely insane - and that's the main rub.

"I first became aware of it Mandrake, during the physical act of love."

