People that had difficulty with the dialogue...
First off I want to say that I loved this movie and I am 33. Also, I can accept that others did not enjoy it and I am not impugning their tastes, but...
What has baffled me on the forums here are the comments from people saying that people OVER the ages of 20-30 wouldn't understand the dialogue. The slang used here dates back to the 30's (or possibly earlier) so I find it more understandable that younger viewers would have difficulty with comprehension.
However, I am at a loss at how people around my age haven't been exposed to noir trappings before. Speaking for myself, I became pretty well familiarized with this type of stylistic vernacular by the time I was in my mid-teens. Primarily due to seemingly every tv show having a noir inspired episode and constant references in other movies. One widely seen example is the black and white movie that Kevin uses to scare off the burglars at one point in Home Alone. I recognized it back then as a genre convention. To me it seems like just another pervasive pop culture trope that I have taken for granted for most of my life.
I guess there isn't an actual point here, I was just surprised with how some are struggling with the language since it really didn't seem so inaccessible to me and I wanted to see if anyone else felt the same way as I do.