American High School Football: Is it really like its portrayed in the movie/ TV?
Hi guys I'm from the UK and I find it amazing that there is this level of fervour over what is basically school kids playing american football. The size of the stadiums, budgets,salaries etc is just incredible. Is there really that amount of pressure put on these teenagers to become winners with whole towns/communities projecting their hopes and dreams every season on these inexperienced in life kids? Making them into superstars etc?
I get it in part as I'm from near Glasgow where we have the whole Rangers and Celtic football thing and football being more important than anything but that's grown men, we tend not to mark kids out for greatness at anything Unde 21 usually. I would imagine that these high school games in *beep* Texas would have a far far greater attendance than anything in the Scottish premier league ( out with Rangers and Celtic obviously) and that's for highly paid professional athletes.
Is it really like this or is it hyped up for movies etc?