Varsity Blues was a good movie, for what it was, I knew I wasn't going to get a gritty realistic approach at high school football, but I did laugh because the movie was a comedy. I enjoyed Friday Night Lights way more because they're was a story, the characters weren't one dimensional,excellent cinematography, excellent editing, excellent camera work, and most of us all that soundtrack being played by Explosions In the Sky. I played high school football, most of that was exactly how it is to the big time schools, Alot of was definitely exaggerated but there was a lot of truth in it though. I played for a school that had 4,500 kids, we were 5A in my state which means we were the big schools, we also had more State championships than anybody in our conference so we were the team that everyone wanted to be, all the games were filled with fans and so was the visitors side. Besides the whole I can relate to it part, as a movie fan, Friday Night Lights is the real deal, I like Varsity Blues but not as much as Friday Night Lights. I actually have FNL as one of my top 50 favorite movies ever. The score is also amazingly done by Explosions In The Sky, you'll get addicted when you hear Your Hand In Mine and especially the riff in First Breath After Coma. Hope you got a chance to see it. Even if you aren't a football fan, I still think Friday Night Lights is an excellent movie to check out if your just a movie fan because I think FNL is criminally underrated, Peter Berg is a great director(he also worked with Explosions In The Sky on the score for the war film The Last Survivor, I think that's what it's called).