Just Saw Edison
I really wanted to like this film! I've just watched Edison on dvd and I have to say I haven't been so bored in a long time! It's really disappointing as I think it could have been a good film, potentially, and I really wanted to like it, as it has my favourite actor Kevin Spacey in it! But it's just a badly made film, imo - badly written, directed and edited. It's certainly not the actors. Kevin, Morgan Freeman, LL Cool J, Justin Timberlake (not that bad at all in his first serious acting role, imo), they're all fine in the film. It's just something in the overall pacing and the dreadful cliched dialogue they have to spout! I was almost embarrassed for poor Kevin, watching him in the film, thinking "what the hell is he doing in this crap?" I guess it must have seemed ok on paper! Lol.
I just found the whole film so cliched, all the exploding cars, guns blazing, the good cops vs bad cops. All done a million times before, but a million times better. Really, Kevin just seemed to be going through the motions in it, to
me. Like he was only in it to do someone a favour or he needed the money or something! Lol. He barely has much screen time anyway. Morgan Freeman does his
best, of course. I don't think I've ever seen that man give a bad performance in anything. LL Cool J is pretty good, but doesn't really have much to do in it, except stand around looking worried and concerned at all the stuff happening around him, lol. Piper Perabo hardly has any screen time and is completely wasted in it. John Heard is ok but hardly at his best. Dylan McDermott is completely over the top. Some of the characters are so one-dimensional it's like they're straight out of a comic book! As for Justin Timberlake, while his performance is far from being Oscar-worthy, I think he shows a lot of potential to be a decent enough actor, once he gets more experience, if people are unprejudiced enough to give him a chance and not condemn him outright, just because he's been in the pop charts!
Anyway, a hugely disappointing film for me. Just my opinion of course, and maybe a lot of people will like it, but I certainly won't be sitting through that again, except to fast forward to Kevin's scenes. It's worth it to see that wonderful man on the screen, if nothing else. I'd happily watch him read the Yellow Pages.
And I so wanted to like the film too! Lol. Oh well.