MovieChat Forums > Edison (2005) Discussion > How big is Kevin Spacey's role?

How big is Kevin Spacey's role?

I almost picked this up to rent because i love Kevin spacey but even for him I couldn't bring myself to pay money to rent this movie, based on the description on the back. How bad is a movie that can't even sell itself on it's own packaging??

Anyway, Spacey is listed as second lead, but I don't see much about him in any of the reviews. Does he have a small role?



I am a Kevin Spacey fan and he does have little screen time in this film. But lets look at it from his point of view. You’re a busy guy working as the artistic Director for the Old Vic Theatre Which is a stand alone job in itself. Then someone comes along and says we'll give you a large amount of Money for a maximum of a few weeks work in a film.
I know I’d do it.


I absolutely adore Kevin Spacey and he was the only reason I watched this movie, but I was cringing the whole way through. His part is relatively small. Justin Timberlake, Morgan Freeman and LL Cool J are all in it more than he is. Plus Kevin's hair is dreadful in it.

One night in the name of love?
