MovieChat Forums > Edison (2005) Discussion > Seriously, one of the worst movies ever ...

Seriously, one of the worst movies ever made

This movie is one of the worst I've ever seen. Seriously, it was so bad. Not even Morgan Freeman could save it. Freeman was great with little he had to work worth.

The rest of the cast and story was horrid. Justin Timberlake comes across like a pansy. Sissy voice and child like demeanor. Kevin Spacey was spaced out during the entire film. The first half of the movie he has no dialogue and is just seen looking through windows and doors. Just standing and looking - A waste of great talent. And why was his hair jet black?

Now for the saddest of sad; the rapper "trying" to be an actor and failing miserably. He acts like I write. Yeah, not to good. I'm sorry but the guy has
no personality and I suspect there is nothing inside that head of his except the ability to rap and walk upright.. He's a bore.

With all that it makes for one of the worst movies ever made.




I am sick of these "corrupt cop" movies. They are all the same.
Timberlake's character was such a fruitbowl I wanted to kick his ass; what a whiney, snively, self-absorbed, spoiled, adult brat! As if there isn't enough of those in the world.

Although he was fitting for the role since he strikes me that he would be that way in "real life."

"Just because no one understands you dosen't mean you are profound."
