Vampire Language

Clearly Klingon.. And they terrible screaming was very dumb. The whole movie is Dumb, as soon as Eben turns he says i can smell your blood. But these other Vampires cant smell all the rest of the towns folk? Lame.


The screaming was actually frightening. Primal, unnatural. He could smell their blood because he was right next to them. The townsfolk were in an attic most of the time.

I'll bring the BEARDS.


the main reason he could smell them was because his senses were not dulled from cold weather.
outside the vampires were in the cold and therefor there senses were dull


Your grammar is terrible too my friend.


Does bad grammar make the OP's points any less valid though? Attacking spelling and grammar is usually a last-ditch effort to seem like you've "won"


I have won...


I don't see how... all I see the OP pointing something out and you telling him/her that he/she has bad grammar. I don't see how that makes you a winner at all.


I wasn't attacking either, just pointing it out.


Okay, but why? Again, does the OP's bad grammar invalidate the points made?


The only one who spoke was Huston's character and, considering that some of the words he used sound eerily like a european languange(in particular, his saying 'commencé' right before the fight with Eben ), I'd say that it likely evolved, or more precisely, devolved from his original language(my guess...either french or italian) because of him purposely staying away from the more dense centers of civilization which would have kept him "in practice"; also, the fact that a lot of the lesser vampires were far more feral than he meant he'd likely have to dumb his speech patterns down for them to understand anyway. Give these two reasons decades of being practiced and you'd get a pretty close approximation of the language we heard in the movie. Also, he obviously understood English to a degree going by his " god" speech and being familiar with one romantic language usually means a semi-understanding of others since they all stem from latin(thus there are several shared or similar root words).

I'm sorry. If you were right, I'd agree with you. -Dr. Malcolm Sayer("Awakenings")


the vampires in the 30 days of nights comics all speak english. they have there own society and speak there own language. they have queen

also the language in the film was completely made up

and based around click consonants

this is what they said

"we designed this really simple language that didn't sound like any particular accent that you would be aware of, that was based around really simple actions, eating, hunting, yes, no, really basic, because that's what vampires do."


he could smell there blood because he was in side a warm building. the vampires outside couldn't smell very good because there senses were dulled from the cold weather. also it is not anything near klingon it is made up of its own clicks and sounds. the klingon language is nothing like it
