Where did the ship and the Vamps came from?
Where exactly do they came from? Hell? Russia? from the sea? another dimension?
shareWhere exactly do they came from? Hell? Russia? from the sea? another dimension?
shareThe ship was more than likely an oil tanker considering the pipeline running by Barrow. Although, it could also have been a fishing/lobster vessel but, it being that far north, I doubt it plus I don't remember seeing fishing equipment such as traps, nets etc. on the deck(I just watched this a couple of hours ago so the movie is fresh in my memory).
As for the vamps, I'd say the core of the group originated in Europe and had picked up others on their way through the Siberian wilderness on their way to the new world. For one, the leader seems to speak a feral form of some european language; my guess...it's either french or italian because of the head vamp's saying 'commencé' as he's about to battle with transformed Eben. Also, you can see an asian-looking vamp in the pack surrounding the fight near the end of the film which could possibly be either of Mongolian or Eskimo/Inuit origin. Perhaps it's an unintentional reference to the theory of how humans first came to North and South America by crossing the Bering land bridge. **shrugs**
I'm sorry. If you were right, I'd agree with you. -Dr. Malcolm Sayer("Awakenings")
nope the language they speak are built around
click consonants(there is no european language with click consonants, most languages like that are of african origin)
david slade(director)
There was also concern expressed that while the vampires needed to communicate, talking might lessen the effect. To counter this, a fictional vampire language, with click consonants, was constructed with the help of a professor of linguistics and the nearby University of Auckland. Slade explained "we designed this really simple language that didn't sound like any particular accent that you would be aware of, that was based around really simple actions, eating, hunting, yes, no, really basic, because that's what vampires do."