Your "cheesy acting" could be explained by the elaborate dances, maneuvers, and actions that go on in the animal kingdom. Posturing, or acting like you're THE MAN occurs in a variety of animals, not excluding humans. When human males figuratively butt heads, isn't that reminiscent of rams slamming their horns into the other's?
The vampires' howls are one of the reasons that I saw them as not exactly 'humans-plus-powers.' They are fueled by a deep thirst, a hunger for blood. When the female vamp growled to the male vamp in the living room of the husband who had recently been stapled to the wall by a firepoke, the male vamp growled back, seemingly giving her permission to rip into her human meal. Maybe it wasn't that, maybe she was claiming excitement, and he was saying that he felt the same...but either way, it was a bunch of noise that seemed to carry a meaning.
Just like the intimidating movements of a wild animal fighting for a mate might be seen as elaborate, or too much, but these vamps aren't humans, and their behavior does not have to be readily understood by Man.
It's not "I'm a monster," it's "Fear me."
Don't get upset at their depictions of a ravenous species. Might as well get pissed that Hartnett and his chick were almost found out because of the Fat-Neck's nose, but F-N decided to check out the yell instead of the smell.
It's a horror movie. Expect a similar acting style.
Take me where I cannot stand.