ALMOST great.

So the acting was great, which often kills a movie like this. The vampires were nasty, heartless creatures with no sympathy for humans, which is great. The characters weren't TOO stupid (they were pretty stupid, but not too stupid).

The thing that made this movie suck is the phoniness of the vampires. Their stupid head tilts is like high school theater depicting a demon. Why is it that people think constantly tilting your head is intimidating or scary? And the "haaaaaa, haaaaa" breathing hasn't been scary since I was five and my dad pretended to be a monster. The screechy sounds were obnoxious and made them more like birds than vampires, but the worst of all... The thing that killed the vampires completely was their language, which tried too hard to be different. First of all, it would have been ten times scarier if their motives and thoughts weren't made clear. The inflections just made it sound stupid, phony and made up. And then introducing the spunky go-getter girl with daring and bravado was just too much. It made her seem like a cheerleader vampire or something.

Their faces were great, their evil was there, but their language, constant head-tilting and screechy sounds made them seriously look and seem like obnoxious birds rather than terrifying creatures.


I liked everything except the ending. Eben injecting himself with vampire blood & yet staying just human enough to protect his family & friends & to fight the head vampire was silly.

If they had come up with a different ending (maybe somehow making it to sunrise and surviving) it would have rated a higher score. Then the 'ashes' ending where Eben starts going 'flaky' was dumb too. A shame too b/c I thought it was very creepy & a great vampire/horror movie.


I had a little problem with this aspect too, but then I thought maybe the vampires had been vampires so long that they became like animals and lost all their humanity. I read somewhere that a domesticated housecat will revert to being feral after a few months without human contact. Eben was only a vampire for a few minutes and maybe would not become animalistic for many years? Just a thought. Love this movie despite its flaws.

"Well, make something up!"/RG


Right before Eben injected himself he told Stella on the walkie talkie that it would be sunrise in a few hours & they would be safe. So I'm deducing that he was injected for at least three hours. The friend of his who had been scratched (the one whose dogs had been killed) didn't turn completely before Eben took his head off with the axe in the playground.

Not sure about the cat thing. I've been a cat lover for life and never turned one loose like that (always found a home for them first). Good movie that could have been better (ending).

