other movies like this

Does anyone have any good recommendations of movies that have a similar feel to this one? I just love how this movie is filmed and everything.


possibly stake land or 28 days later, the descent, maybe dawn of the dead 2004 (in some parts) but i can't really say any films are the same as 30 days.

good question, i wish there were more films like this.


The start of this film reminded me of 'Close Encounters Of The 3rd Kind', slowly building up to whatever would come.

From then on, it somewhat resembled Stephen King stories like 'Salem's Lot' (filmed twice) and 'Storm Of The Century' (filmed once). Both stories and movies had the dread slowly building up.

The first vampire gang film I recall was the 1987 'Near Dark', which is also very good.

"I don't discriminate between entertainment
and arthouse. A film is a goddam film."


Sort of a fight for survival type thriller that I like similar to this are:

-The Mist
-The Descent
-The Hills Have Eyes Remake
-The Walking Dead
-Night of the Living Dead
-Dawn of the Dead
-The Thing (1980)
-Resident Evil
-Shaun of the Dead (it's a bit different but if you've seen NOTLD & DOTD you'll enjoy this more)
-Alien & Aliens

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