One reason I like this film is because it depicts vampires the way they were intended. Not moody, sparkly teens but savage monsters. If vampires were real, this is close to what they'd be like, no doubt!
To me, those are the most moronic vampires ever! All they do is enjoying the pleasure of thrill killing. They're not feeding. Real vampires wouldn't waste humans like that.
You've obviously bought into the teen vampire money-grab movie take on what a vampire "should" be like....goth, misunderstood and sensitive....pfffff, stupid.
I think you misinterprete the situation. In this movie, vampires have to hide so nobody knows they exist, which is realistic. They probably don't even live among other humans because the risk is too high. They have to feed in secret and hide their identity and heritage including their animalistic urges. But once every year they have a month where they can finally do whatever they want. And even that has to be planned ahead carefully and covered up afterwards. For them it's like springbreak where they can do whatever they want, only that it's the only break they have and that they will all get killed if they are caught.
So, it's pretty understandable that they get a thrill of it and into a blood frenzy. They also don't "waste" humans - they are on a clock of 30 days. You can save up some humans for later, but when those 30 days are over, they have to kill them all anyway.
The only moron in this was that freak that hoped to become a vampire himself.
At one point in the film though, one vampire turns to the lead vampire and says "we should have come here years ago". Which means that this is the first time they've been to this town so it's not a regular thing that they plan.
I half agree with you. I thought the same thing-- the vampires were indeed being wasteful. It looked cool on the snow, with the red pools against the white, and the attacks were indeed violent and blood spatteredly gory.
But vampires would never hunt like that. Where's the sport and finesse that comes with years and years of practice?
I did think the visual portrayal of the vampires rocked, though! They were presented as what they are! Monsters that hunt and feed on human blood. It's nice to see them treated seriously. The addition of the guttural vampire language and loss of humanity was nice, too. All in all, they are a bit dated now (very emo) but still extremely cool and quite scary to see!
Except for that stupid blood frenzy WASTING gallons of ther only food source for 80 miles around. That was not sensible.