Mako's last role

According to IMDB, this will be the very last film featuring the classic character actor Mako. Any ideas about how large his part in this is? It would be nice if it were a bit juicier than the kind of empty stereotype he got handed in Pearl Harbor.


This is actually his second last film. Prior to his death, Mako had provided his voice to play Master Splinter in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.

This film is the last film he appears physically in front of the camera, but not his last role in films.


-- "This is actually his second last film. Prior to his death, Mako had provided his voice to play Master Splinter in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie."

Oh God. That's sad. If there's any justice in the universe, that turkey will get buried in a landfill along with all those old E.T. cartridges, and the negatives will spontaneously combust. At least this movie has a remote chance of not sucking.


this is his last live-action film. TMNT was the last film he did voice work for

HiFis around me, HiTech just turns me on
From my Video to my Radio


Piss on a rope, sir.
