I think Sebastian Gutierrez is a brilliant writer and director. I happen to know that he re-re-re-re-re wrote the dialogue for SoaP. And after, it got re-re-re-re-re-re-re-written. To judge him soley based on that movie is ridiculous. As for the other movies he has done, they all had their reasons. I mean, I know it sounds absurd that every movie he contributes to gets messed up, but it's the truth. I've researched it. Gothika for example, he wrote it and was going to direct it when producers decided to change the script, bring in Halle, and get a different director. When the film tested poorly they covered it up with SG's name. When in fact, he had tried to distance himself as much as possible from the very beginning. So it's rather unfair to say he's a bad writer/director when in fact, none of his visions have actually been executed the way he thought them up.
I may die young. But at least I'll die smart.