not bad at all

I must admit I wasn't expecting much but it its very entertaining


I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


I thought it was boring. There's no plot, no dialog and the script is just the two line summary stretched over 90 minutes. Liu and Chicklis do pretty decent job but there's no atmosphere, the direction is flat and the whole script is the same thing repeated over and over. It's good that you can be entertained by movies like this, you must not be bored often. I mean it.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco




I must admit that I was suprised by Rise.

It was no classic but I think it did it's job well and the only thing I didn't really like was the pacing but since the studios *beep* everything up that aint suprising.

I'm no fan of Lucy Liu (I think the only movie I liked Her in before this was Kill Bill V1) but She suprised Me here and carried the part well.

One of the better Vampire movies in recent times (I am still trying to force the farce that was The Forsaken from My memory) and a pretty solid 7/10 for Me.

I for one can't wait for the Directors cut which will hopefully bump My rating up.
