i honestly believe that this movie is one of the worst films i have ever seen. The acting is bad, the storyline has gaps, and i just all around dont like it. and i dont recommend it to anyone.
o, and nick lachey is a horrible actor. you know the movie sucks when he has a role in it.
As I was watching this movie I kept thinking that, if you have Lucy Lui in your movie, you should keep your end of the deal by putting her in something good. In 2007 I can't believe people are still making the kind of retarded vampire movies that appeal to 17-year-old girls that have crystals on their dresser and pictures of the tattoo they want on their MySpace page.
Lol, I was watching it with some friends and there's a scence toward the end where she's like "The Alchemist was right" and we were all like "Who's the alchemist?"
Question: who could possibly make a bad movie that includes Carla Gugino and Lucy Liu as vampires? Answer: the writer of Gothika and Snakes on a Plane, of course. I should of known better than to expect anything but crap, but with that cast i still had hope...'sigh'.
Haha thats funny... i definitley agree here's the review I just wrote for it.
This is another in what seems like will be a trend of movies/wannabe’s in the wake of “Underworld”. Surely “Rise” hoped to ride the coat tails of “Underworld’s” success, however it comes up way short. This movie suffers from poor story development. The viewer is thrown into a world with out learning it’s rules and not really ever getting to know them. There is no back story to let you know about the Cult or “Bloodfeeders” as I call them since they are not given a name. There is also no real story arc other than the fact that Sadie Blake (Lucy Liu) wants to get revenge on the “Bloodfeeders” for making her one of them. The timeline jumping the film is unnecessary and would have probably benefited better if it went with the linear approach. As far as the acting goes, sure Lucy Liu is fun to look at but she is not a screamer. What I mean by that is she does not fulfill the female in distress character very well. Her reactions and shrieks to moments that scare her do not seem real, you can tell she is acting. You would think she would be a great candidate for an ass kicking “Bloodfeeder” killer with movies such as “Charlies Angels” and “Kill Bill” but her acting is just adequate and one dimensional. The best part of the movie is within the first five minutes and that’s only because you get to see Cameron Richardson’s (Super Cross) phenomenal naked body. You can call me a perv but that’s the truth. All in all if you are hoping for this movie to match up with “Underworld”, you will be disappointed. However, if you liked “Blood and Chocolate”, another wannabe, then you will probably like this movie. I give this movie a 5 out of 10. Oh and by the way, it is left open to a sequel, one in which I will not be watching.
Have you ever been dragged to the sidewalk and beaten till you PISSED... BLOOD!
Verily, I found the film to be a mundane affair at best and so ridden with cliches as to be painful. Worst of all for me though was the portrayl of the vampires themselves. I am so bloody weary of the party going/debauchery loving undead representation (ala the vampires in Blade). Hollywood - for *beep* sake, give it a rest eh?!
It must be said, only out of fairness. That the film used to be really good. I first saw it as a screener, and it was amazing. But sadly, they pretty well changed everything. I didn't enjoy the publicly released verson. I ranted about it on my lj. But I cannot say the acting was bad because the three main actors, or at least there were three in the original verson... they are all very good actors. James D'Arcy is amazingly under-rated. Well, from what I've seen in america.
I totally agree, I wish I had read these reviews before I subjected myself to this endless torture. I was so disappointed I love vampires and this crap was an insulate to the genre. That's 2 hours of my life I won't get back.