MovieChat Forums > Rise (2007) Discussion > Who else laughed.... (spoiler)

Who else laughed.... (spoiler)

When Nick Lachey showed up?

That was so random. His acting was horrible but I loved seeing him get his throat ripped clean off. That was cool. Was anyone at the screening when people cheering when that happened?


You saw the movie? Can you tell us how is the action/horror? and the Carla Gugino characther?


Woah, you're not serious right? Nick Lachey shows up?

Flame On!
-Johnny Storm/Human Torch
Fantastic Four


Yeah Nick Lachey shows up. He plays a goon of James D' Arcy's character.

He gets killed though.

Carla Cugino is hot in the film. She get killed by Lucy about 45 minutes in.


Would you be able to tell me anything about Jenny. (Samaire Armstrong's character)


From what I recall, Samaire doesn't appear in the film for long (it took me a couple of minutes to remember who she played) so that should tell you something.

She plays the typical bimbo party girl who drives Margo Harshman's character to a
'feeding party' where she ends up dying.

At least I think that was her.
She also could have been this hooker chick that lucy liu kisses for a second. I honestly don't remember that well.


also i just noticed the other questions-

The action is pretty good once it gets going.
There is no real 'ass kickery' but Lucy Liu drives the movie with her attitude.

Her character doesn't know how to fight so it's a challenge for her.

She does however carry around vampire slaying tools.

The horror is brutal. Lots of blood, skin getting chewed off, throats slashed- pretty cool.



This movie made me laugh a lot.. and expecially when I saw lachey.
I think I actually might have giggled.
