Is Lucy doing this to mirror herself?
Someone who is unsatisfied with her body.
Her character is unsatisfied with her vampiric body.
She is unsatisfied with her asian body.
Someone who is unsatisfied with her body.
Her character is unsatisfied with her vampiric body.
She is unsatisfied with her asian body.
I agree. What does her Asian ancestry have to do with anything?
PS: You are crazy if you listen to people who say Hayden Panetierre is fat. By Italian standards, that young lady is BELLISSIMA! One good puff of wind in LA and Paris would be in Paris. Right now, tall girls are in.
lol I highly doubt she's unsatisfied with her own body. You're not going to catch her doing trend diets or anything "Hollywood". She is who she is.
What's an "Asian body" anyway? Believe it or not we (Asian-Americans) come in all shapes and sizes just like everyone else.
An entirely racist question!
Get back to school you racist *beep*
Yes, but from where? Is there some store were someone could order an (Asian-American) in a particularly desired shape AND size?
I'm just thankful that the OP used Asian instead of "oriental".
TV Tropes will ruin your life
Not all foreigners are anti American