MovieChat Forums > Rise (2007) Discussion > Too Dumb To Live (All of Them)

Too Dumb To Live (All of Them)

As I watched this movie all I could think was your going to die. All of the characters seemed to act in the stupidest way possible.

It is one thing to show up at a creepy party first, it's a whole other thing to wait for several hours outside where said creepy party is going on and not hear any noise, then go inside and wander...

Lucys' character, I thought was very selfish. She finds the scene of, for all intents and purposes a MURDER, complete with blood everywhere, does she report it NO. She dies comes back and calls mom, gives her hope and hangs up on her, way to make your sister think moms crazy. How hard would it have been for her to say that she had been in a coma for 3 days and that the MD was incompetent. She exhibited none of the traditional vampire problems. Then after killing just the people who killed her, she's going to quit and suicide. What about all the other people who are going to be tasty snacks.

(I know after credits etc she's not dead, but that could be due more to Vics incompetence at stabbing someone)

PS real world homeless shelters don't work that way
(HUGE HUGE unforgivable case of did not do the research)

EDIT: Please PM me if you post here
