Would have been great....
I watched this movie and though it was good. But here are the things i think would have made it a great film:
1. Plot. They skimped out on the story. Very little was explaiend and there was no back ground story. The Alchemist? Bishop? You didn't even really see Sadie reasearching any of the 'cult/vampire' people. and that cop and his daughter bit was pratically thrown in for filler. I think someone was a bit too afraid of ripping kill bill that they cut out the good bit that would have the story make sense.
2.Pace. That also sucked. But that can be blamed on the gap-filled plot.
3. Soundtrack. Everone loves a soundtrack.
4. There was no character development. Practically all the interaction between people were random. as per the 'plot' rant above.
Again...someone was scared of being a kill bill copy cat....