Deleted Scenes on DVD
Can anybody tell me what the deleted scenes are on the DVD? I bought the Blu-Ray of Transporter 2 and unfortunately they're not on it. I just want to know what I'm missing out on.
Can anybody tell me what the deleted scenes are on the DVD? I bought the Blu-Ray of Transporter 2 and unfortunately they're not on it. I just want to know what I'm missing out on.
Lots and lots of evidence that the crew wanted an R-rated film. The fight between Frank and Max is longer, with bits of blood spits, max dropping f-bombs, and just overall a more brutal fight.
Also when Jefferson opens the trunk to drop off the ransom, he briefly hallucinates that his son was in there, but as a bloody dismembered corpse.
Oh yeah, Dimitri's death is even longer than in the unrated French version, as he strains and chokes on the gun piece lodged into his neck.
What else... the garage fight has a few bits added to it and Lola has blood leaking out of her when she's pinned to the wall of spikes.
The US DVD has the footage in crappy pal-to-ntsc interlaced quality, but the British DVD might have the scenes in better quality.