If you complain that something isn't realistic in a popcorn action movie, you're an idiot. These type of action movies are meant to have a heightened reality and to give the viewer a visual thrill ride. Transporter 2 has plenty of ridiculous moments, and the film makers knew how ridiculous it was. With certain movies you have to just shut off that part of your brain that goes "that doesn't make sense." Especially a movie that pretty much lets you know up front what kind of movie it is.
in a case like these movies im pretty much in agreement with the OP.
i think the Transporter series is Statham's overall best... Crank is probably his 2nd best though (im not counting stuff like Snatch etc etc since even though he's in that he really aint the 'star' like he is in these transporter type films)
but anyways... the only parts i thought they could have fixed a little bit is the helicopter shooting as that looked fake as hell and seemed a little out of place vs the rest of the film and maybe the part where his car flips upside down and the bomb gets ripped off but if i had to pick one complaint it would be the shooting down the helicopter part.
bottom line... Transporter 2 = 8/10 ... it's a solid 'action movie' and Statham does these types of films well..... the first film (9/10) is the best of the series and the third (7/10) is the worst.
I whole-heartedly disagree with you. Sure, every action movie has something you have to suspend disbelief with, but Transporter 2 is juat flat out laughable. Compare it to tbe best(top-rated) action movies ever and you'll see a very clear difference in plausibility. That's not to say that most of the things in the top rated action movies would ever actually happen in real life, but for the most part they would be "possible." Most of the things in Transporter 2 were laughably impossible, like flipping the car to knock off a bomb with a crane hook. Give me a flipping break!!!! That's not entertaining, it just makes people with half a brain laugh.
Okay, I guess the Last Boyscout wasn't that over the top, except for the first scene where the football player pulls out a gun and starts shooting other players, and himself. Die Hard? Not unlikely at all that one cop from New York can take down 12 or so machine gun toting terrorists.
And as far as the Matrix goes, that series changed the whole landscape of action films in my opinion. Once characters have the ability to suspend reality and dodge bullets, anything less than that kind of looks lame. Simple fight scenes between two guys won't do any more. You've got to fight 12 at a time and beat them with your bare hands in order for the audience get any kind of kick out of it. True, it lacks plausibility, but it makes up for it in creativity.
That's my take.
I want you all to clap, when you hear his neck snap.
Even though it's implausible it's so fake that it doesn't manage to be exciting. True Lies was totally unrealistic, but the action was still done so well that it keeps you on the edge of your seat. This one does not. If you're going to do over the top action, you gotta do it right.
Sadly for some strange reason, I haven't seen "True Lies" all the way through. I will have to make it a point to catch it on one of the million movie channels available thought my cable company. Love the two main stars tho! (Even if he did later become the Governator! LOL)
I agree however, "Transporter 2" is totally fake and ridiculously OTT, but I am enjoying rewatching it right now anyway. Go, Frank! ;-)
Morse's Law: There's always time for one more pint.