MovieChat Forums > Transporter 2 (2005) Discussion > What would you like Frank Martin to tran...

What would you like Frank Martin to transport in Transporter 4 and 5 ?

Irrespective of the danger or non-danger and whether it'd be human, animal and / or
just a commodity, what dangerous G rated or R rated goods or items would you
(humorously or seriously) like seeing Frank Martin transport by land, sea or air
in future, if The Transporter 4 and 5 films get made.


a time machine and better scripts for the first 3 movies....


skidoosh! haha.

the first one wasn't that bad, at least not as bad as the second one seems to be (i'm at.. 37 minutes.. so, really jury's still deliberating, but the first 35 minutes has had some pretty low moments).

"Woo-Hoo, Silent Bob's dead, long live me, Internet Guy!"



The next film he's transporting a wig.


I think a really tough assignment would be for him to have to drive Lindsay Lohan around without her getting into any trouble. That would test all his skills.


How about no more sequels? 3 is enough, especially with Hollywood never knowing when to quit nowadays.
