I've read and seen pictures of the changes and I don't think an uncut release would really benefit the film that much. Transporter 2 is meant to be an escapist action movie and in the scene where Jason impales the guy, he actually walks by the corpse and closes his eyes in a sobering moment. Honestly, that kind of thing is a bit too serious for this film. I don't really want to stop to think about the ramifications of violence or loss of life in a Transporter movie. It's just entertainment.
That said, the French DVD does have improved computer effects in many parts that make the outrageous car stunts look *slightly* less hokey.
I didn't think the picture quality on the blu-ray was bad (I just watched it last night), I merely took issue with the cinematography itself. The film has such a hot, overly saturated look...everybody's skin looks like orange wax. It's the kind of style typical of a Michael Bay movie. I don't remember thinking negatively of it in the theater but at home this film looks quite garish and ugly to my eyes.
I'm ragging on the film but I do enjoy it. I just think the first film is far superior in terms of cinematography, dialogue, acting, and general believability. What Transporter 2 has going for it is some wonderfully choreographed fight scenes - particularly the opening tussle outside Frank's car, the fight with the giant Jamaican guy, and the fight with the fire hose.