MovieChat Forums > Transporter 2 (2005) Discussion > Interview with Transporter fan

Interview with Transporter fan

Ladies and sluts we are going to do a 5 minute interview with a fan of transporter 2, that's right, no foolin, yarmen12's FIRST INTERVIEW! enjoy!

Me: Hello

Fan: Hi, you have ten minutes.

Me: Why is transporter 2 ur favourite

Fan: Jason stratham's in it and its jampackeded with action

Me: Are there any hot girls in it

Fan: Yeah......obviously

Me: Okay, so what would you say if some1 said it was the worst one in the trilogy...this is a trilogy, right?

Fan: yeah its a trilogy I gotta go here mate I wouldn't say anything I'd slap em specially if they said the trilogy was *beep* Anything with Jason Stratham is good. (gets up and leaves)

Me: yeah see ya
