MovieChat Forums > Transporter 2 (2005) Discussion > The one scene that ruined it for me.

The one scene that ruined it for me.

When the cops tell the woman to freeze after she opens fire on a parking lot with machine pistols in each hand! Instead of shooting her before she shoots them the cops don't do anything and just stand their waiting for her to reload and shoot them! There is a limit to how stupid characters can be in action movies. Especially when they make illogical decisions no one would in real life.


There were TEN bloody scenes like that in the whole movie. The producers were on crack on this one. I can't stand the cartoon physics and the million yeah-rights this movie had. It's gets really bloody irritating.


The plane scene was the worst, how utterly pathetic. The plane would have fallen to pieces if it had attempted even 10% of the moves it did. Not to mention would have exploded on impact with the water. Not to mention how the hell the two people were standing and fighting in the plane when it was in a tail dive towards the water. I could go on but this film was just 'dumb' Hollywood nonsense.


Ya lol.


Taking the bomb of the car by going upside down and hitting a crane. That moment stuck out for me. Dont get me wrong I like the film but there were a few bits that should have been left on the cutting room floor.


the crane was much more believable than cops with guns allowing a perp to reload.


No, not really.

At least the cops could still behave that way in real life. It would be stupid and very unlikely, but it could happen.
But the crane scene on the other hand was physically totally impossible.


I have never heard of any cops behaving that bad in real life, in crime documentaries or anything. one cop alone, maybe, but two?


but all she was wearing was underwear and super high stiletto heels.. that's kryptonite to cops, everyone knows that.

"Woo-Hoo, Silent Bob's dead, long live me, Internet Guy!"


I agree with ctsamados. The plane scene was the worst by far though many scenes sucked bad. Just plain laughable.


If you complain that something isn't realistic in a popcorn action movie, you're an idiot. These type of action movies are meant to have a heightened reality and to give the viewer a visual thrill ride. Transporter 2 has plenty of ridiculous moments, and the film makers knew how ridiculous it was. With certain movies you have to just shut off that part of your brain that goes "that doesn't make sense." Especially a movie that pretty much lets you know up front what kind of movie it is.

"Taste my pain B1TCH"


@ Alkisen: Yup, have to agree with ya. Otherwise it would be unwatchable which is apparently the problem the other posters have with this film. And I can respect that, but at the same time there is an awful lot of Hollywood crap being churned out these days that IMO requires an equal willing suspension of disbelief to enjoy. Just look at all of the films by that eternal schlockmeister, Michael Bay. LOL

Morse's Law: There's always time for one more pint.


With some people replying to topics like this by saying "it's a movie, not supposed to be 100% realistic!" all I have to say in response is that a movie can be unrealistic only to a certain extent!

This piece of garbage called Transporter 2 doesn't bother trying to be even a bit realistic. I mean, it has the Cops allowing the gun-toting assassing to reload, the crane knocking-off a bomb, and my favourite, the Machine-pistol burst that causes a police helicopter to explode.

All those scenes are just utterly unrealistic, stupid and idiotic. This movie clearly tries to be at least somehow believable, but with scenes like that it's just not possible. Because of those idiotic scenes this movie fails at being a movie: it's impossible to think that the main character can be in any danger, because he has the thickest plot-armour ever. And the police are there just as fodder to be shot.

Movies like this are just pathetic, it's even more so when you think about the money and time that was invested in this.


Yeah even most campy Jackie Chan films are a documentary compared to this lol.


i have to agree with synthesis.. basically we're supposed to be watching something that's solely for entertainment, yes, but there has to an extent. Hell, if we're going to watching something that's "not supposed to be realistic" then instead of having good looking well-built action heroes, then just use a bunch of guys in clown suits, shooting soap bubbles out of guns, have some 1/2 naked dancing girls, dog tricks, and add Cirque de Soleil for the finale..

i'll guarantee you, that those that were once stating: "It's just a movie, and it's not supposed to be realistic??" you'll be complaining about not getting your money's worth then..

some days, it's not worth chewing through the restraints..


the plane scene and when the car "flies" between the buildings


the *beep* helicopter explosion at the beginning


Absolutely right
