When searching a police computer Tarconi claims to be not PC literate due to the fact that in France there is only one PC for every ten policemen, yet he already has a PC in his office, surely for his own private use. He then proceeds to touch-type which would take someone of exceptional IT skills and great levels of dexterity due to the fact that American and French PC keyboards have a different key layout.

There was a device several years before a computer keyboard called a typewriter. The Keyboard was the same basically. Police would have used it for reports.


When Franks chasing the Gulfstream with the Lamborghini you can clearly see that the jet has it's reverse thrusters engaged. Planes land with reverse thrusters engaged.

Who's The More Foolish
The Fool, Or The Fool Who Follows Him?


Planes do not land with the reverse thrusters deployed. They are deployed after the plane touches down to help slow the plane down to reduce the amount of runway required, to reduce wear and tear on the breaks and to reduce the chance of a blowout.



So what you're trying to say is planes use reverse thrusters to help with landings?

Who's The More Foolish
The Fool, Or The Fool Who Follows Him?
