Jason Statham's Accent?

What the hell was going on with his accent in these films? It sounded like he was trying to do an american accent but kept slipping back in to British in various places!


That's exactly what I said to my brother when we were watching the movie. Statham is pathetic at accents for sure.


Ha, maybe he is not trying to put on an accent, but his natural one is a mix - Britmerican, or Americanish.


I think he was trying to do a New Yorker accent, but it was pretty bad. That's coming from an English man too!


No, that's just what his voice sounds like.

My Movie Ratings:


I noticed a couple of people say he sounds like that naturally but he is English and his natural accent was the one he has in Lock Stock. I have seen him in other English films and he sounds English the first time I noticed the awful american accent he has in the transporter films was in Ghosts of Mars.


It's referred to in bios of actors Cary Grant and Richard Harrison, as well as some about Princess Grace of Monaco, as the 'Mid-Atlantic' accent and usage.

Dunno if Statham is attempting same, but it is a recognized norm for spoken English on both sides of the pond...


(sorry for using wacky-pedia as a reference, folks.
My bad for sure, but it's only a pop-culture factoid!)

Cheers, All!


Personally, I was very disappointed that Jason had so few lines in which to display his accent.

After all, isn't that why we attend any Jason Statham film?...



He does it in lots of films, he has the most shocking attempt @ the American Accent. He was really bad in The One, he was also REALLY bad in Crank. Lets hope he doesnt carry this poor accent attempt into Crank 2.


I love the way he talks, especially in Crank.. I don't see the problem here, but also I'm neither English nor American.


Like Mr Statham I'm a South London boy. Also like him I've spent a lot of time surpressing the God awful cockney accent that we grew up with.

The result is what you hear on the screen, He had to revert for Lock, Stock and the other London based films, but otherwise he (like me) is struggling to not drop his aitches and pronounce words correctly - that's also why he takes his time when he speaks - although it has the added bonus of sounding cool and controlled.

Don't touch that!
Why Not?
It does very bad things...


that's just what his voice sounds like. besides, i'm more interested in when he has to take his shirt off to use as a weapon... mmm :p


Why do you guys care about the freakin' accent? I don't think the intent of any of his films is to provide a realistic impersonations of english, british, new york, Taiwanese, or any other dialect. His purpose is simply to kick ass. Period.

Personally I like the dead pan humor. The guys never cracks a smile.

"Please sign on the dotted line."


To be honest I've never noticed his accent change. Maybe its not as obviously English as in movies like Lock Stock and Snatch but he always sounds English....and I am English so I would know.

