MovieChat Forums > Caché (2006) Discussion > AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO BEAT...


I don't want to look at his photos but I imagine he looks like a hobo with beard, I would so love to kick him in the gut several times. His movies are so irritating in this sense. Does anyone know where he lives?


You're not the only one. His films are boring, insulting and worst of all STUPID. He is essentially a poor man's Herzog, although Herzog is too talented for the comparison and has released an ass load of great stuff :(

"F--k your man, it's my name he's screamin'"-Natalie Portman


I think he lives in Vienna


u guys are ugly, Leave Haneke alone

Snootchie Bootchie


Judging by his movies he might be masochistic so it's okay.


So just don't watch them?


Hate me, call me troll or whatever! But i hate the fact that he is a idol, and in my opinion he is really one of the worst film makers ever! And this movie began intriguing, but his directing really killed all the hype i had for it. Really stupid movie! I mean , really stupid and not intriguing anymore but BORRRIIINNNGGGGGGG!!! By the Gods, how a movie can be soooo boring and disconnected from its subject that you feel completely disconnected with the characters you were or felt connected with in the beggining of the film?? Well, this film did that to me. Just as dumb as Funny Games! Well, that means no more Hanekes films. I have seen 2, and thats more than enough. Pretendious bad bad bad director.


i have not heard of this director until i watched this movie. and oh my... this falls into the worst movie ever watch list. i think people are trying to be movie savvy or pretentious when they see obscure or BS. it is kind of like modern art in many senses. nothing is good about it, but since art is open to any interpretation, i will just call it good. this kind of dangerous mindset pull many things from utter garbage to art for no apparent reason. i have seen a lot of pretenders, through music, art, and many other things.
