This kind of 'time travel' makes no sense
We've all seen all these 'cryogenic freezing' things in movies (I think it's the wrong term anyway), where the idea is that if you just go to some kind of sleep, coma or statis - however artificially induced - you will just effortlessly travel into the future, no problems, no questions asked. Demolition Man, Austin Powers and this movie are good examples of this hare-brained trope.
Did anyone ever stop to think about it for a second or two?
I mean, halting your physical body in some way would just make your soul escape anyway. When you sleep, you refresh your energies and balance your mind because you lift off of that heavy physical thing so then you are ready to go back and 'wake up', and live another chunk of time surrounded by this clunky material cover.
Now, people seem to think that you can just sleep 'forever' and just wake up whenever without any psychological problems, and it's just 'time travel'.
However, there is a reason for why we sleep and are awake in a specific rhythm. We couldn't handle being on the physical side for too long any more than we could handle being purely in the astral side for too long. Level 1 beings need both, so we have to have this 'alternating rhythm' of 'physical' and 'astral'.
For clarification, I am also talking about the whole 'incarnation vs. deincarnation' cycle, which people call 'birth and death' (it's reversed from the astral perspective). We absolutely need both until we grow to be Level 2 beings, or at least near that level so we're more free of the physical side as we cultivate to higher states of spiritual elevation.
Now, all this means that you can't just 'suspend someone indefinitely', because they'd get bored being stuck with a physical body they can't use, in a semi-astral state where they can't really be free in the astral world normally, like so-called 'dead' people can, but they can't live in that body, either, because it's artificially comatose. Would YOU stay in that situation for long, when you long for the more normal situation, where you live an incarnation in a physical body, then spend time in he astral side for balance..?
I certainly wouldn't. Something would happen to release the soul from the body and cut the 'silver cord' (the only thing keeping the soul in the physical body), because it would be an unbearable situation, and there is such a thing as Cosmic Mercy of the All-Father that Created us.
Often, when people die a 'violent death', like driving off a cliff, they are 'taken' before they actually suffer the violence, so it can be a very merciful, soft, pleasant 'death', even if it looks violent to onlookers.
Considering all this, this really materialistic and laughable idea of 'cryo-freezing' just doesn't, and wouldn't work. Of course it is tied to the even more insane idea that you can somehow be 'revived' after you die so you freeze your body to wait for that. This would of course never work, as death is permanent. I think even The Christ was only able to do the 'resurrection' stuff because the death was so fresh, and He was able to heal and repair the body and all the energy stuff, and perhaps the silver cord had not detached yet (so it wasn't really 'death' yet).
All these movies seem to think 'technology is omnipotent', or 'tech can save us' or 'tech can do anything'. Very un-spiritual perspective, when the spiritual one would be actually much more interesting. When will we see a movie about chakras, out of body experiences, reincarnations, the astral world and all that? It's always just 'technology' instead of the real magic of actual reality, which is way more interesting.
In any case, this whole idea of 'time travel' by just 'freezing' your body in place, as if you can pause a human being somehow, and then unpause hundreds of years later, is ridiculous, even if we don't take into account that the body would decompose without the soul to keep it 'alive' (it never is really alive.. just appears that way because life inhabits it).