MovieChat Forums > Idiocracy (2007) Discussion > Idiocracy is already here.

Idiocracy is already here.

It arrived when America was stupid enough to elect Obama, a Marxist and a Closet Muslim
a scant seven years after we were attacked by Muslims on 9/11. And then he was RE-Elected. That's about as stupid and retarded as you can get.

And if Crooked Hillary, a pathological liar and criminal who is possibly mentally unstable, is elected, it will just get worse.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


So let me get this straight to stop from going down this path you want to have Trump as president?


You are the stupid one. You are a bigot for starters. Obama is not Muslim, but even if he were , who cares? I bet you would not want Jews to be POTUS either. You are a stupid racist judging others. You think you are smart but you are not. My TSP is at record highs, more people have healthcare and that "Muslim" got bin Ladin when W gave up on him. Also, unemployment is down as well as the deficit, all while the racist GOP obstructed. Keep voting against yourself and of course that KKK member Trump.


and you are the proof

If I turned on a black light, this place would look like a Jackson Pollock painting


MoviemanCin, I agree with you.

Fowler's knots? Did you say ... fowler's knots?


Nice hat, MoviemanCin.

Did you mother make it for you?

What once were vices are now habits. 


... a pathological liar and criminal who is possibly mentally unstable,...

A spot on characterization of Trump!

Hillary may not always be forthright, but she is not outright lying often and for sure not a pathological liar. In fact she is the most truthful of all 2016 candidates.

Here the evidence...
PolitiFact scorecards

Donald Trump's file
True: 4%
Mostly True: 11%
Half True: 15%
Mostly False: 17%
False: 35%
Pants on Fire: 18%

Hillary Clinton's file
True: 22%
Mostly True: 28%
Half True: 22%
Mostly False: 15%
False: 11%
Pants on Fire: 2%

The label of pathological liar rather fits Trump, who seems to believe in his own lies. He is the one who is literally incapable of telling the truth straight but rather gives everything a spin that makes him look good.

But if you want to have a president with a narcissistic personality disorder, go ahead and vote for that self-important fool Trump.
But don't complain when the mushroom clouds go up...

I don't like Hillary, but she is clearly better qualified for the job.
