Who cares? As far as I'm concerned, Vitali has validated himself by getting elected to the Hall of Fame as soon as he was eligible. He could have been inducted earlier but he came back after retiring for 4 years. Wlad will also go in as soon as he is eligible. It doesn't matter what internet trolls think when a committee of boxing industry professionals are voting them into the Hall of Fame. Anyone downgrading a Hall of Fame fighter either has low intellect or lacks boxing acumen or both.
If anyone fought in a down era it was Tyson and Holyfield who I'm not taking anything away from but in today's era of Superheavyweights, a 5'11 fighter and a 6'2 fighter just wouldn't cut it. Anything under 6'5 would be considered small in today's HW division and the HW division of the last several years. Really the last decade or more. We just had a HW championship fight between a 6'9 fighter and a 6'7 fighter. 5'11? Give me a break.
The reason I started this thread was to post how dumb this episode was with their subtle shots at the fighters shown at the beginning of the episode (Corrie Sanders was also a very good HW) and to say that this has aged badly with Vitali now being inducted to the Hall of Fame. That was just a comedy show and not to be taken seriously but as you can see by some of the dumb ass responses here, there are real people that think this way. Well, eat your hearts out because Vitali is in the Hall of Fame with ALL the greats of boxing and will be until the end of time. Wlad to follow shortly.