Similar movies?

Does anybody know if there are similar movies? Movies that are centered around pharmaceutical industry or movies that deal with illegal drug-tests?
I'm really interested in the topic now but nothing comes to my mind.


Right now I can't remember anything as well. "Extreme Measures" (1996) with Hugh Grant and Gene Hackmann was dealing with illegial medical research (operations). But you can't really compare it to "The Constant Gardener". If I come across anything else, I will let you know. Have a great weekend! =)


Thank you :-)


Thank You For Smoking was also similar in the way that it shows the duplicity of large corporations. Although that was based in North America rather than a third world Country.


Michael Clayton. Chemical company (*cough*Monsanto*cough*) covering up the fact that their products cause a range of human maladies, including death.


The Insider with Al Pacino and Russell Crowe!
It reminded me a bit about that although I thought The Insider was better than this, even though this was very good.



Check out 'The Insider'. Awesome movie. And 'Blood Diamond' too.



Not specifically what you're after but 'Erin Brokovich' is about taking on a large national company in the US, 'Flash of Genius' is about taking on Ford (the car company) and 'Silkwood' is a similar kind of plot.

Hmmmm puzzler. Bit of a puzzle.


It't not even nearly as good as The Constant Gardener, but I think Beyond Borders starring Angelina Jolie and Clive Owen is a similar movie. And I also think that is not as bad as some people and most critics say it is. I've seen Beyond Borders a few years ago and when I saw The Constant Gardener the other day, it really reminded me of it.


I agree. Other movies with similar theme that came to my mind were,(related to dark side of powerful companies)
1) Edge of the darkness
2) International

In both of these movies, like in "Constant Gardener", persistence of such organizations despite the efforts of the protagonist is accepted ultimately.


No offense, but if you're really interested in the topic maybe you should READ about it, instead of watching the next 90 minute Hollywood flick? The real BUKO pharma campaign is an organization that the fictional organization HIPPO in the book/movie was built after. They have an online-shop and even one or two publictions available as free downloads:


I agree the movies are very simular but the love story did not come even close, Angelina's husband was a much better husband than the movie let on, they both cheated on each other but her character had absolutely no respect for the husband, just a short time after marriage she was off to africa and became pregnant by her lover and fooled her husband for years that the child was his. She never tried to reconcile with him but was down right mean to him. Then in the end she tries to sneak off to africa in the middle of the night leaving her kids behind for the second time knowing she may never return with the dangerous mission she was undertaking then tells the lover that the child is his and he should get her before she is killed, not even thinking how much harm that would cause to uproot a child and take them away from the only father she ever knew and splitting her from her brother. I found her character to be very selfish and disrespectful, to her marriage, and to her children and her family but was so confused to feel just because she love him [the lover] he was entitled to get what she had. I went on with this movie because the two female leads were VERY different, In there causes, one did very little the other did all that was possible.


The Fugitive (1993) with Harrison Ford.


Resident Evil. Brain Candy.


i'm gonna say *lord of war*...mayhap not.



Definitely Michael Clayton. I was thinking about this movie when i was watching the constant gardener.


The movie it IMMEDIATELY reminded me of was Silkwood, a 1983 movie by Mike Nichols, starring Meryl Streep and Cher. Pretty interesting movie about mishandling of radioactive materials. I started thinking about it, and there's a whole genre of movies about discovering secrets and running a gantlet of dangers as powerful forces try to silence the protagonist. The Firm comes to mind. The China Syndrome was another. So I guess Le Carre was simply writing another story about something more topical with global pharmaceutical corporations.

Is it enterprise or entropy? Ask me again when I wake up.


Hey!...That was weird.... I watched this & Silkwood within a day or the last 36 hours.... I love movies based on true stories or "Biopics" and whilst this was NOT true...(allegedly) I can relate to it. I've seen such deeds in action.
I spent a lot of time in West Africa:
What I saw there was enough to fill me with enough dismay to see me through to the end of my days.
And I am sick & tired of the pontificating claptrap I read on the subject of Africa.....There is nothing wrong with Africa at all. It is a beautiful country filled with beautiful people . is also filled with the most selfish conniving people that God ever produced (black & white): They would deprive each other of the air they breathe if it meant they had an advantage..and it's not "survival" it's simply GREED.
Why does not Africa advance.....?
Read this & weep:
When it comes to Africa: There is nobody who treats a black person worse than another black person..and when the world finally accepts that as a fact, it'll move on.
That was a phrase I heard often in 1971 & beyond.

You know what? Nothing seems to have changed.

The Last Enemy (2008)

Deals with refugees dying of a virus after receiving a vaccination and the result of the gov't coverup.


All of the above movies plus the John Travolta movie called "A Civil Action " which is more like "Erin Brokovich" in that it follows the legal/suing process after the damage is done.
