A man have been defeated by corporation since the dawn of time. WHY?
I think my point is : Man vs. World Corporation = BULL****!
Have you guys noticed in every movie which had theme that revolve around a person who is in the struggle fighting against world corporation or multi-national company, the 'quest' always end up in bitter conclusion or somewhat ambiguous. Even the antagonist "lost" or got killed!
Here's the example : (***CONTAIN SPOILERS***)
Constant Gardener (2005) : The man committed "suicide"
The International (2008) : The man got killed
Silkwood (1984) : The woman vanished
Many Episodes of The X-Files : The FBI agents did nothing but back off ,etc (probably many of gankster crime films such as Bonnie & Clyde (1967), Public Enemies(2009),Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid (1968) also symbolize "a battle with the establishment" which is represented by a "rebellious lone ranger" as the lead character)
Why is that? Why do they (or in this case, a person/individual) always appear so vulnerable and fragile while stand up against world corporation? Is that because they only hold a bunch of papers while the company have ordered the whole world to shut up? DAMN! Is that what really happening now in this world? A greed corporation which over-consumed natural resources and even conducted organized crimes to maintain their power and earning (more) profit always somehow could get away. Is that true? What a pathetic world we are living in now!
Well, i guess i started to get the picture already of what actually is going on now.
And i think on the contrary : a movie which is about a "super" human who fought for justice and eventually succeeded in their mission was apparently just a bunch of lie! cause, justice could never be found on this earth.
Can you believe the fact that apparently throughout history men have won against hoodlums (Untouchables,1987) nature (Twister,1995) and even martians (Independence Day : ID4,1995)!! but, they never won against corporatism. I think world corporations are actually the ruling forces on earth and the creator behind this nature.
You know that corporation is an evil "untouchable" institution which had ruined, bullied and raped this world? So they all must be brought to justice period. No more question should be asked!
And do u actually agree that capitalist system have been corrupted?
Star-Gate sequence(Space Odyssey)
Baptism scene(Godfather)
"I'm as mad as hell"(Network)