Too similar to the fugitive

same actor playing almost same role
underworld of pharmacuticals and medicine
murdered wife
husband back tracks and investigates who killed her...

I watched constant gardener tonight and said afterwards
"as not to offend I'll put my opinion across in 2 ways...
number 1= constant gardner is the boring version of the fugitive
number 2- constant gardner is the fugitive for people who like a thought provoking film

I was bored to death and guessed much of the ending because I just compared it to how the fugitive panned out


Wow, I never would have noticed the parallels. Interesting.
But it seems like you just retained the overview, and missed the story. The real story.

It was slow for sure. We agree on that. I enjoyed it more while thinking about it after than while watching, if that makes any sense.

Look again at The Constant Gardener...

During the course of his investigation into his wife's death Ralph Feinnes' character loses his faith in her, and questions if his life with her was all a lie. Looking back on his memories of their life together he has to ask "was it all a lie?" "was any of it real?" The deeper he digs the more damning the evidence seems to be.

She is using him and her status as his wife to further her political agenda.

She is having an affair with a fellow aid worker, a black man, if that matters.

She has prostituted herself to one of his friends.

It shatters his life.

He goes deeper still and finds none of it is true. She was protecting him. She loved him right to the end. His crime was not having faith in her. In them. In the end he has the answers but no peace. He has to die so they can be together again.

Still sound like The Fugitive?


you know, I'll hand it to you I didn't really watch the meaning of it.

By the time the film was half way through I was too busy shouting that it was like the fugitive to actually acknowledge (or I must admit to care) for the characters or there relationship. I disliked the character of the wife because I thought she was a sneak and a liar and by the time it came to the end of the film and it was revealed that it wasn't true I simply didn't care.

Perhaps I will watch again band pay attention to the characters rather than attention to the story lines similarities to other films


Hahah I just read a description of this movie and all I could think is "THE FUGITIVE!!!" I haven't even watched it yet, but it seems like my suspicions have been confirmed! :D


By the time the film was half way through I was too busy shouting that it was like the fugitive to actually acknowledge (or I must admit to care)
That's a hoot! You're too much!



Hi Gary-etc.....I much prefer your explanation of this excellent film.

The OP said "the same as the Fugitive" How ridiculous is that? Then admits he got bored & "just guessed the ending"....dear oh dear.
Well it's been many years since I saw The Fugitive....but as I recall, he did not sit awaiting his executioners (& even unloading the gun he could have defended himself with.)but ended up being pally with his erstwhile pursuer.
The Constant Gardener is a fabulous, thought provoking fil & whilst The Fugitive was very enjoyable for what it was.....the two simply cannot be compared. They are poles apart for heavens sake.

I guess some people just have a lifelong struggle with their attention span.

But hey, Cheers!


Who is the same actor who plays almost the same role? I didn't see anyone in The Constant Gardener who was also in The Fugitive. Did I miss something?



The Fugitive is awesome. I am going to watch it again this afternoon!


absolutely nothing like The Fugitive. What film were you watching?



You might just be the worst poster on these boards. A Boring version of the Fugitive? I just lost all faith in humanity.


Same actor?!?! Are you talking about the fugitive (1993) with Harrison Ford and The constant gardener (2004) with Ralph Fiennes??
Are you sure you were paying attention to any of the movies?!?

The constant gardener takes place in africa and exposes how the pharmaceutical industry uses people from third world countries as lab rats!! The movie is a drama, a romance! Has nooothing to do with the fugitive, which is a traditional american action movie, a real good one..


LOL same actor...

Harrison Ford (The Fugitive) is NOT the same person as Ralph Fiennes (The Constant Gardener)... :|


In a very vague overview kind of way, but the movies are totally different.
