All the women of this show are pretty much annoying, and some are only there for the audience to think that the characters think they're eye candy (although the truth about it is obvious to the viewer).
Karen is basically 'superficial annoyance personified'. She has no real personality, she doesn't really do or say anything interesting, and most of the time, it almost seems as if she's there only to react to things, or have people react to her, and that's all.
She is a gameplayer at one point, but suddenly, she's Jim's love interest, and then she's some corporate manager that competes with Michael.. it's like the writers didn't know what to make of her, so she's everything and thus, nothing. She just glides from one thing to the next without adding anything of value.
Pam is there just because of the whole 'JimPam romance' crap, which I always skip, but at least she is given a little bit of personality, she's supposedly some kind of artist (and yet can't use a computer beyond the basics that her work requires of her, and learning simple computer things is beyond her, although she's super passionate about doing the things that she can't do without learning that easy stuff), she plays volleyball (or doesn't), etc.
I think Pam's greatest moments are when she's "handling Michael", because it kind of gives us a deep glimpse into the mysterious world of this magical character that is Michael Scott.
The other women are either 'supposed eye candy', 'ugly', 'old', 'fat', 'wich', 'angry snake', 'valley girl' etc.
So, not very deep personalities or character arcs - they fulfill their 'assigned functionality' in the show, and that's the end of it.