Pam and why we hate
Turns out Turkleton was super mega correct about Spamster.
Get on the scale son! Get off the scale.
Turns out Turkleton was super mega correct about Spamster.
Get on the scale son! Get off the scale.
Interesting. The funniest bit was the last two words. Andy Dufresne.
shareIt's a well-made article, one that would bring the loveturds Benny and frozen ones here closer to their habitual suicide attempts.
I must disagree early on though:
I don't hate Pam because her character isn't funny or entertaining in the show (she is).
It was a good article. You are right about Pam not being funny. In addition to those other flaws, her accent was just bloody awful to listen too.
Get on the scale son! Get off the scale.
In addition to those other flaws, her accent was just bloody awful to listen too.
When she angrily said "my mother!" when she was totally PamMS-ing about Mike dating her mother I swore she could have been mentally retarded.
Get on the scale son! Get off the scale.
Benman is somehow getting your comments deleted. Why is he so sad?
I'm not getting anybody's comments deleted. I don't report people, unless for something really serious, and haven't for ages. Lurk is a joke so there's no point reporting him, but somebody will do. It's his own fault.
Then how did you know his comments were going to be deleted?
LOL Benny caught with his pants down. He can no longer take it when I goof on him. He forgot about the report function which he now uses every time I post. To think this is a middle aged man tattle taling to the principal is cringe worthy.
shareWhy do you think I knew the comments were going to be deleted? I found out when it said that the comments were deleted by an administrator. With the comments she was making it is hardly a surprise if somebody did report her.. Come on think, man think. It may be an alien concept, but try anyway.
Because yesterday you wrote:
I see your best mate has been deleted. I understand why it's a sad day for you.
What accent did she have?
shareGood article, the best part is when they address why Stanley has two toasters.
shareI used to think Pam was ok, but the more I re-watch episodes the more I dislike her.
I thought it was really tacky how she wanted everyone to give her cash for a wedding present. I also hated how she demanded to be put in Sales, but failed miserably, so she created her own position of Office Administrator (or whatever she called it). If she couldn't cut it in Sales, and the receptionist's position was already filled by Erin, she should have been fired or at least written up. I also thought she was a quitter by leaving Pratt so soon. And once she became pregnant she became smug and completely unbearable.
Yeah right. All too predictable.
I also hated how she demanded to be put in Sales
and the receptionist's position was already filled by Erin
While the rest can be debated how did she demand a sales role?
Erin shouldn't have even been hired
Pam's demands for a sales role were central to Michael Scott Paper Inc's buyout discussions with Dunder Mifflin
Erin proved to be a competent receptionist
always did her best to get on with everyone else
Charles deserves credit
I'll repeat how did she demand a sales role? What were her exact words?
She had worked at a Taco Bell Express but couldn't handle it when it became a regular Taco Bell
She was a bit of a biatch towards Holly
No. Nope. You're done.
Have you even watched the episode "Broke"? As I already said, Pam's demands for a sales role were central to Michael Scott Paper Inc's buyout discussions with Dunder Mifflin. It's clear as day.
You've no evidence that she was anything less than competent in her role.
True. But out of loyalty to Michael
I guess you tried.
What did Pam actually say, what are the demands? As the self appointed expert backup your claims because despite multiple rants you've provided nothing
Season 7 episode 6, seven minute thirty second mark is a perfect example.
Perhaps in a future post you actually will
See, you've changed the goal-posts here
that she had to have said "I DEMAND A SALES ROLE" verbatim for it to be correct.
Asked to put Darryl on speaker, puts Darryl on speaker.
Um, burn?
No I am asking what her demands were when negotiations between DM and MSPC were underway. And again you can't provide them.
And what happens at conclusion of the call?
Pam becoming a salesperson was part of MSPC's demands in the buyout. Pam makes this clear during them. I'm not sure which part of that you are failing to understand. Have you had a recent brain injury? I have stated this several times, you are just ignoring it.
while giving Erin (who actually has a real job) a hard time
Pam demanded to be put in Sales when she left Dunder Mifflin to work for the Michael Scott Paper Company, remember?
shareShe did nothing of the sort.
You are incorrect, and I suggest you re-watch "Two Weeks" in season 5. Michael leaves DM and Pam runs out into the parking lot and says that she will join him. He mentions that he can use a receptionist and she says something like, "No, I want to be in Sales."
I'm done arguing this. I am right and you are wrong.
and she says something like, "No, I want to be in Sales."
As another poster said, it was a request she didn't demand anything. If you'd actually seen the incident you would know that was the case. As you say you are right and others are wrong and you are done arguing I will assume you haven't seen it. Its difficult arguing from a position of ignorance.
Pam becoming a salesperson was a key demand of MSPC with the buyout negotiations with David and Charles. Go back and watch the episode.
Get on the scale son! Get off the scale.
Part of the negotiations maybe, a bit different from Pam herself demanding to be made a salesperson. Try and think first before you post. For once. Go back.
Just like Frosted One, you've changed the goal posts here. Michael stated what Pam's demands were, and Pam agreed. You're both wrong. Pam demanded a Sales Role as part of the buyout, and she got one.
Michael stated what Pam's demands were
Pam demanded a Sales Role as part of the buyout
Buyout negotiation between DM and MSPCshare
Original text from
DW=David Wallace, MS=Michael Scott, CM=Charles Minor, RH=Ryan Howard, PB=Pam Beesley
In order to expedite these negotiations, we are prepared to make you a very generous offer. DW
And we are prepared to reject that offer. MS
- You haven't even heard. DW
- Never accept their first offer. MS
What is your second offer? MS
$12,000. DW
Are you kidding me? That is insultingly low. I don't even want to hear what your first offer was. MS
What do you hear? Here's the situation. Your company is four weeks old. I know this business. I know what suppliers are charging. I know you can't be making very much money. I don't know how your prices are so low but I know it can't keep up that way. I'm sure you're scared. Probably in debt. This is the best offer you're gonna get. DW
I'll see your situation and I'll raise you a situation. Your company is losing clients left and right. You have a stockholder meeting coming up and you're going to have to explain why your most profitable branch is bleeding. So they may be looking for a little change in the CFO. I don't need to wait out Dunder Mifflin. I think I just have to wait out you. MS
I don't know that I can get this. I do have to go to the board for approval. How's about $60,000? DW
- We'll have to talk... MS
- What? CM
- We're gonna have to talk about this. RH
- Just amongst ourselves. MS
Please take the room. Be right outside. Take your time. DW
So you've thought it over, yes, and you accept our offer. We can finally put this whole thing behind us? DW
Can you give us another minute please? PB
How could you do this to me? You just cost me $60,000. RH
- Why would you get the whole thing? PB
- It's a lot of money. But we need money coming in every week. We need jobs. Wouldn't you rather have a fishing pole than a fish? MS
I would rather have $60,000, honestly. RH
No, Michael's right. Jobs are safer. PB
Agreed? MS
Agreed. But that's all, OK? PB
- Discuss these things RH
- Shut up. Hello! MS
I want my old job back. I want my old parking space back. I want a Sebring. MS
- They don't make them anymore. CM
And I want Charles gone. MS
I am not firing Charles. He's very valuable. DW
- That's very kind of you to say. CM
- I need him gone. MS
OK then I want Pam back. MS
- You already have a new receptionist. DW
Sales. MS
Thank you PB
- Pam's not a salesperson. DW
- Yes, she is. At the Michael Scott Paper Company in its heyday. MS
- That's right. PB
- OK. Please continue. DW
- And Ryan. MS
Ryan cost Dunder Mifflin hundreds of thousands of dollars. DW
You know, David? I don't care if Ryan murdered his entire family. He is like a son to me. MS
- Do you realize what you're asking for? You're talking about salary plus health benefits. DW
And dental this time. MS
Insurance, taxes, social security for three people. This is a lot more than 60 grand. It's a multi-million dollar buyout. DW
These are our demands. MS
Your company cannot be worth that much. DW
Our company is worth nothing. That's the difference between you and I. Business isn't about money to me, David.If tomorrow my company goes under, I will just start another paper company. And then another and another and another. I have no shortage of company names. MS
Michael. DW
That's one of 'em! These are our demands. This is what we want. Our balls are in your court. MS
OK. Deal. DW
Can we have the room, please? Can you believe it? Great job! Right here! That's what I'm talking about! MS
OK then I want Pam back. MS
- You already have a new receptionist. DW
Sales. MS
Thank you PB
- Pam's not a salesperson. DW
- Yes, she is. At the Michael Scott Paper Company in its heyday. MS
- That's right. PB
These are our demands. MS
I've never known anyone in business to classify "Thank you" & "That's right" as demands.
shareAs has been mentioned, it was a request not a demand. Big difference. We change the goal posts??? You and Nerk do it all the time. You're such a cabbage.
Provide examples please.
All you have to do is read what you posted together. Turk used to lie continually and you were happy to join in.
Okay, apart from the hilarious "deleted scenes" comments we made a handful of times which were clearly jokes, provide some examples please.
As I said, just re-read what you and Berk did. I know Turk of old, they certainly weren't jokes to him. He was doing the same thing when the show was running. In reality he probably loves Pam/Jenna, loves them in his own special way. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, elbow, elbow.
Really can’t stand airhead Erin.
I don’t mind Pam at all . But she was definitely better when a receptionist.
Erin doesn't really leave an impression either way. She's a bit of a psycho sometimes, but nice to see someone so clueless that they can be constantly happy otherwise.
Pam is just a conceited, egotistical, self-important little !@%%&#* that most of the time, I can't stand. Even when she's not vindictive or drunk.