The Best Way to Pick Your Perfect Mate.....
The trouble that people have in "Looking for Mr. or Mrs. right," is the fact that we all look further than our limits. The best way to pick your perfect mate is to look at your IMPERFECT self. When you come to grips with the type of person you are, inside and out, far from perfect yourself. It is at that point, you can successfully find your perfect mate in this imperfect world. If you're a wild party animal, stop looking for the, "at home body type." That's not fair to them or you. if you know that you're not completely sane, then you don't need someone that's got it all together. I'm not Playgirl material but, I want a Playboy model!?!? It doesn't make sense. The term, "opposites attract," didn't mean I'm an exotic dancer and you're a librarian. It was meant to come off as, we Both like music but, I like Phil Collins and you like Nine Inch Nails, same but different. So let's take another look people, you might have looked right pass your mate. Think about it!!!!