Hitch is wrong when he says there are no rules SPOILER
Hitch says there are no rules in the end. But the whole movie was about how there are rules and those rules work. They worked for Kevin James' character.
Hitch is in college and he sees his love making out with another guy, he pleads, what did I do wrong, and the other guy says, dude, you're doing it right now. The rule is don't be pathetic and weak. Be confident. Be honest but not so honest you bang on the car door in which your girlfriend is cheating on you and cry and beg.
Also, if a person does not reply quickly when you say I love you, that is telling you something.
Also, never say to someone, I know you don't love me like I love you. even if it true, don't say it.
also, don't sleep with a man you just met two hours ago and then get mad when he does not want to see you again, much less, marry you, which the girlfriend character did. She was a dope. But the movie acts like it was all the guy's fault. Have sex if you want to, but don't pretend it is true love with some stranger you don't even know.