The Game...

by Neill Strauss. Is there anyone else out who'd have rather seen a film based on this book. Hitch is very much like the PUA (pick up artist) ethos but without the alpha male subtext. I would have likes to have seen some negging, kino escalation and peacocking in action. Good film none the less.

"Beat it slope... or you're next!!" - Sensei John Kreese


Word is a The Game movie is in the works so you'll have your chance...but may regret it. Do you want girls to know the tricks of the trade? Surely that wouldn't be good for the game? Oh well, I'm sure you 'alphas' will adapt, find a new way to 'control the frame', different 'c & f' lines to stop any 'last-minute-resistance'(LMR), over come *beep* warpigs and just keep on 'sargeing'.

The fact is your "I would have likes to have seen some [inset pua terminology here]" idea has no place in this movie. It's not about the PUA ethos (if anything it's the antithesis of the PUA culture), it's about what women wish things were like (unfortunately PUAs consistently make this seem less and less possible).

The game is all about principles and theories and exploiting them, the concluding theme of Hitch is "Basic principles... there are none". What you're referring to are diametrically opposed ideas. I'm surprised that wasn't obvious to you, a true "Alpha" would've seen that... just sayin' ;p
