MovieChat Forums > Hitch (2005) Discussion > Did he kick her off the waterbike on pur...

Did he kick her off the waterbike on purpose?

A friend and I got into a disagreement about this:

On Hitch & Sara's "first date",

1. Did Hitch intentionally leave low fuel in the bike so he'd have to get close up and personal with Sara on her bike?

2. Did he intentionally kick her off her bike so he could jump in and save her, thus scoring "protector" points?


Well, I always assumed that he left low gas in his jet ski on purpose, but no I am positive that he did NOT kick Sara on purpose. IMO, there is no way to score points after having just done that.


Ha I doubt he intentionally did either of those things.

Donnie: Oh, please, tell me Elizabeth, how exactly does one suck a fu*k?



don't you mean waterhorse? it's called a waterhorse, right?

the scene seemed to me as if it could have gone in several different directions but was left purposefully ambiguous.

bill o'reilly says, "SHUT UP! SHUT YOUR MOUTH!"


1. I always assumed the jet ski had low gas on purpose. His job is to create opportunities, and what better way to get close with someone than to have them be forced to ride on the back of a jetski with you? Very smart if you ask me.

2. No way he kicked her in the face on purpose. Complete accident. I get he has to have a plan, but I'm 100% sure his plans don't involve kicking his dates in the face.


Dude, you're awesome, I love it when someone replies to an old thread ;)

Yeah, I agree with you on #2.. My friend kept saying it was on purpose, but I wouldn't believe it!


Actually saw Hitch on TBS over the weekend and wanted to see what people were talking about. I actually never look at the dates when replying. I just assume all these are current conversations. Whoops! Least one person saw it. Haha.
