MovieChat Forums > Hitch (2005) Discussion > Anybody else completely uninterested in ...

Anybody else completely uninterested in the Will Smith story line

and just waiting for the Kevin James/Allegra storyline... that was the only storyline I was interested in.. When will Smith/Mednes were on screen, I was waiting for the other story.


Me too! Loved Will Smith and the chemistry between him and Albert was great. His romance storyline bored me too.


The script was too convoluted with characters and circumstances. Hitch should have been relegated to that of a lead-supporting role who learns a valuable life lesson from a protege, where the human heart is concerned, rather than one who won't be outdone by his new friend's achievement and gets the girl, too. The film would have been poignant enough without going that extra, over-the-top, romantic distance. Then again, I guess that's what his consultant/counseling gig was all about, so maybe the script simply followed that mindset.

I'd have liked to have seen more scenes with Kevin James meeting and interacting with Allegra's friends and family. Sure, it's been done... a lot, but James' performance would have been fun to watch.


The script was too convoluted with characters and circumstances. Hitch should have been relegated to that of a lead-supporting role who learns a valuable life lesson from a protege, where the human heart is concerned, rather than one who won't be outdone by his new friend's achievement and gets the girl, too. The film would have been poignant enough without going that extra, over-the-top, romantic distance. Then again, I guess that's what his consultant/counseling gig was all about, so maybe the script simply followed that mindset.

Ironically, that's what I expected this movie to be about but it wasn't.


I was not interested in the whole movie, it was so long and boring.


I agree. The worse part of the whole movie was the romance between Will Smith and Eva Mendes.
I hate to say it because I like her but, Eva Mendes, in particular, was the worse part of the whole movie. Her acting job was the worst and her character was unlikable and uninteresting.
Will Smith was good as the "Date Doctor" but he became uninteresting when he started dating the Eva Mendes character.

I think Kevin James stole the movie from Will Smith (and I like them both). The Kevin James/ "Allegra Cole" relationship was the most interesting and entertaining part of the whole film.

I gave the movie a 6 on the rating scale (out of 10) because everything else was interesting and entertaining except for the relationship between Will Smith and Eva Mendes.

I agree with brennerst1;

"The script was too convoluted with characters and circumstances. Hitch should have been relegated to that of a lead-supporting role who learns a valuable life lesson from a protege, where the human heart is concerned, rather than one who won't be outdone by his new friend's achievement and gets the girl, too. The film would have been poignant enough without going that extra, over-the-top, romantic distance. Then again, I guess that's what his consultant/counseling gig was all about, so maybe the script simply followed that mindset."

Hollywood does this a lot. They make the romantic movies too complicated. Most of the time the audience is entertained by a simple romantic relationship. They don't need all this other stuff going on.


I wouldn't say I was uninterested in the Will Smith plot but I do agree that the Kevin James storyline was more interesting for sure. Loved the film though.

