MovieChat Forums > Hitch (2005) Discussion > Good lord that initial trivia item for t...

Good lord that initial trivia item for this movie is embarrassing!

According to Will Smith, the female lead was supposed to be Caucasian, but the producers didn't want to make the lead couple interracial

What adult doesn't realize that an African American and a Hispanic, is also interracial? Wow that was retarded. As if interracial is only reserved for "white" and "black". (Rolls eyes)

as it was considered a taboo.

The hell!?! The movie was made in or released in 2005, not 1905. If the producers thought interracial was taboo in 2005, then what the hell is it now a mere 10 years later? Still taboo?

They also didn't want the female lead to be black as they feared it would alienate white audiences

Are they really admitting or at least thinking, white people are so narrow minded and racist, that they would literally refuse to see a movie because two African Americans are involved as the lead romantic couple? Good lord. I am shocked at the contemplation that this is actually true.

so they decided to go with a Hispanic female lead instead

How does an Hispanic make it better for whites? LOL!

but the producers didn't want to make the lead couple interracial as it was considered a taboo

And I have to go back to this. This is just the same animal behavior repeated ad nauseum. We already went through this cinematically, as far as the romantic interracial taboo thing, way back when it was done with Guess Who's Coming to Dinner in 1967.


To be honest, the only "recent" romance movie I can think of, that focuses on a black/white interracial relationship, is Save The Last Dance (2001). There may be others I do not know of.

While yes, black/Hispanic is still interracial, they are closer in skin tones and it is not so blaring interracial. Also she was not a dark Hispanic, therefore closer to "white."

It has also been shown that fewer white people will see a movie with a predominately black cast. Which is my guess where they came up with the "cant have two black leads" thought.

It is sad and embarrassing that as far as we have come, we still have a long way to go when it comes to racial issues.


That was actually a major issue in this movie and has been cited in many articles. They wanted Will Smith because he's played the smooth womanizer before in movies and during his time as Fresh Prince. His other side was an issue though.

If they brought in a white actress then you have the interracial thing which may offend some groups (not saying thats right its just what it was). But if they had a black actress play the other side then suddenly this could be mistaken for as a Tyler Perry movie ostracizing white audiences.

Once again not saying that its right or wrong. Just its an interesting example of how race is handled in Hollywood and many stories about Hollywood being behind the times cite this as a key example.


If they brought in a white actress then you have the interracial thing which may offend some groups ...
I thought the country was called the "United" States.🐭
