How did it break the fourth wall? Just because the audience's visual perspective was the end of the dance floor they were heading down, doesn't mean the characters were dancing for us. They didn't break the fourth wall during that dance (that I can remember), but I'm pretty sure Hitch did just before the dance sequence.
to the point where she was invited to the wedding
I think it's pretty obvious that Albert invited Hitch to his wedding (since they are friends at this point) and he took Sarah as his date. Plus by the end of the movie Albert and Allegra were just established as a real couple, as were Hitch and Sarah. I doubt Albert and Allegra got married quickly, they probably established their relationship more. The wedding could easily have been a year later. In that time Albert, Allegra, Hitch, and Sarah may have hung out a lot. Not necessarily weird. What I think it more weird is that Sarah's friend was invited.
even after all her sins against the bride and groom.
In actuality all her actions did was shed a truth onto Albert and Allegra's relationship. It probably helped them more than it hurt them. Allegra became aware that Albert got some help on how best to talk to/approach her and now there won't be some lie that comes to light 10 years down the line to cause problems with their relationship. Sarah exposing Hitch made Albert and Allegra's relationship stronger.
Utterly loathsome and despicable.
I think you need to gain a little perspective on life. Of all things in the world, you think the dance sequence at the end was "loathsome and despicable"? Why? It's a freaking dance sequence. It was dumb, but hardly despicable...
But I do think it was kind of cheesy and could have certainly done without it.