What's your favourite? I must admit that I only became addicted to Monkey Dust after series 2 and have never seen series 1, but I'm finding it hard to decide whether series 3 is (so far) better. The Paedofinder General now has a deserved weekly slot and some of my favourite gags (the footballing one last week) have come from series 3, yet series 2 seems to be more coherent. Discuss.
Personally I think series one is by far the best, as it had the best moments of some of the best characters such as Clive The Liar, Ivan Dobsky and Geoff The First Time Cottager, plus some great "one-offs" such as the two old ladies controlling the internet and the Hollywood version of The Diary Of Anne Frank. The second series was great as well, and I haven't seen much of series three but I'm not as keen on it, even though it's still a great show. So my view is, while all three series are great, I think the first is the best one and the third my least favourite so far.
to me series 1 and 2 were absolutely fantastic but all the dark and disturbing humour have been completely drained from series 3 and it has now become just an adult cartoon show along the lines of south park, it's nothing like what it used to be.
series 3 was a total pile. what the hell happened? it used be so funny and clever and dark. The problem is that all the old characters who are still in it are REALLY getting tired and all the new ones aren't funny. At all. I couldn't even watch all this series cos the eps I saw were just painfully, embarrisingly bad and unfunny. I dont think I laughed once. They really should stop making them now, cos they already ruined it. I'll just pretend they didn't make series 3
yes i totally agree. i think that series 3 was the biggest steaming pile ever to grace the small screen. i nearly vomited from disgust and hatred of this series. the other 2 were the funniest cleverest thing I have ever seen in my whole life. Ever. Nothing was ever as funny. I wet me kells. series 3 was horribley awful and I wish I had never seen it and dam whoever made this sad pathetic excuse of a series.
Series one, I think is the best. Episode 1 of series 3 was one of the best episodes, but the rest of series 3 (I haven't seen episodes 2 or 5) wasn't up to the same standard throughout. Paedofinder General is the best regular character in series 3, but not "up there" with Clive or Ivan Dobsky (who I think was best overall in series 1). My favourites were the "This is BBC" sketches, Paedofinder General and classically trained actor, and for one offs, the consolidation of all your worries into a single monthly worry, the human DNA tomato, Brian Blessed, the art film, and the Think! parody.