A Real Scream

Ho Ho Ho it' so funny. I was watching this when I heard a noise upstairs, when I went to investigate I found my sister had commited suicide by jumping from a top floor window. As I was clearing up I heard a screech and realised, that some of my neighbour's young children had been killed in a car accident, one of them dragged along for quite some distance, being scraped along the floor. Funnily enough one of them had been decapitated in the process.

I found that these events really enhanced the humour and helped me to enjoy it more, although, annoyingly I did miss a little of episode 2 in the second series. Great fun.


umm. im guessing ur a bible basher scum who detests anything that isn't 'friends'


Don't you find Monkeydust Funny? Why should it only be watched by bible bashers?

Wind it up and watch it go.


Heh, look I know you find this deeply disturbing since it lacks the mindless family friendly values of 'Friends' and I also understand that you didn't get enough oxygen at birth but can you please seek new outlets for your emotions, possibly an uzi rampage from a church tower or an encounter with a young girl in a forest.
Thanks :)


Try again:
Don't you find Monkeydust Funny? Why should it only be watched by bible bashers?

Wind it up and watch it go.


heh real cute.

Yes I do find it funny. I don't think it should only be watched by bible bashers but I think that these people might find it upsets their 'high standard of morals'

Do you find it funny? Does it offend you?


"high standard of morals" who are you to judge whether people's morals are high or low! are you the moral police?


I don't think he'll reply, he's realised that his argument has no logic to it.



I hope you realise that I was being sarcastic when i said "high standard of morals"



because if not then you are very stupid.



wtf is your problem?



You make assumptions about who likes monkey dust and friends, refer to bible bashers and oxygen at birth, amongst other things, and then seem to have the ability to talk about logic, without seeming at all embarrassed by your train of thought...wow thick skin rofl.
Oh, just so you don't get too confused this is a reply to knight123, I know you soon forget what you have written, must be that sharp mind. (heavy sarcasm)<<<<sigh...I'd better spell it out.


wow everyone needs to calm down.
My first post was sarcastic (should have been obvious) and then everyone seemed to turn against me. i was only trying to defend my favourite show.



Ok fine but I hope you do realise that the original poster was trying to wind everyone one these boards up. So please don't defend someone who in their profile said "keep their blood pressure rising, they will burst sooner or later"


Have you burst yet?



Yes, i used the same tactic, in response to the original poster.




Lol ok whatever. Let's end this cheerful debate :)


