I thought the first 60 minutes or so was excellent in a classic stalker movie way. But like most thrillers, the writers (probably victims of studio pressure) can't let the bad guy win and create an implausible ending to let the good guy victorious.
For me, it jumped the shark shortly after Ben discovered the tracking systems. Personally, I think most people who love their wife and child wouldn't risk their lives just to keep a job. Loyalty is one thing, but over your family? Then the Palmer (who's supposed to be an ex-Navy Seal) doesn't notice a guy trailing him for hours into his rather private compound? His place has absolutely no security? Again, an ex-Navy Seal gets shot and loses in hand-to-hand combat with a guy who went to business school? And lastly, his company is just fine??? The main backer is dead and Ben is looked at as a crazy guy after getting busted - how could the IPO been successful?
So I gave it a 7: First 30 minutes (9), Second 30 minutes (9) and Last 30 minutes (3) - a rounded average score of 7.
PS - I thought Christina Slater was brilliant. If the writers had a little foresight, they could've made this a series (e.g. - Saw) where he relentlessly pursues his target - with the next one finally complying. Missed opportunity.