Blatantly Obvious (kind of spoilers, duh)
I say "kind of", because, if you don't know exactly who the killer is before the death actually occurs, then you really do qualify as sorta dense -- nothing personal.
I said:
"Oh. Duh. No matter what other information they give, it's gonna be 'x'".
And -- GASP!!-- Indeed, it's "x".
I grant, the precise motivation was a teensy bit different from my expectations, but it was, indeed, exactly who I said it would be, before Sean Young's character was even dead.
Beyond that glaring and rather extreme weakness, it's not a horribly done film.
But take it as the judgement factor in your enjoyment of the picture. If you look to be surprised with a whodunit, you won't be. This is more of a howdunit.
Sean Young's part does involve some pointless skin, but I suppose that counterbalances the issues with the movie on some levels, if you're a guy, anyway. It's not much, but it's there.